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僧人也被抢饭碗 日本殡葬行业遭机器人入侵“JN江南体育”

2025-01-23 10:52:01

本文摘要:There are industry gatherings for all sectors, and that includes the funeral sector.现如今,各行各业都是产业核心区,其中也还包括殡仪行业。

There are industry gatherings for all sectors, and that includes the funeral sector.现如今,各行各业都是产业核心区,其中也还包括殡仪行业。Its not an area where youd expect to find many tech products, but at the Tokyo International Funeral And Cemetery Show 2017, all eyes were on the latest breakthrough in Buddhist priests.这个领域你有可能想象将近有多少技术产品,但在2017年东京国际殡仪展览上,所有的目光都集中于在佛教僧侣的近期突破上。Hiring a human Buddhist priest for a funeral in Japan costs around $2,200. Thats very expensive, so plastic molding company Nissei Eco Co. had an idea: create a robotic Buddhist priest and undercut the real thing on price.在日本聘用一位佛教僧侣的费用大约为2200美元,这是十分便宜的。所以塑料模具公司日精环保有限公司想到了一个好办法:发明者机器人佛教僧侣,并在价格上高于真人。

And rather than starting from scratch, Nissei instead modified an existing robot in the form of SoftBanks Pepper robot.不过这款机器人并不是新的研发,而是在现有的软银机器人“胡椒”身上展开了适当的改动。As Hannah Gould, a researcher at the Japan Foundation, points out in the video, Japan and technology have been evolving at the same time so a robot priest wont seem too weird.正如日本基金会的研究员汉娜·古尔德在视频中所述,日本和科技同时在发展,因此机器人僧侣或许会变得过于过另类。

All Nissei had to do to modify the Pepper robot was write some software allowing it to tap the drums while it chanted.日精环保有限公司要做到的改动,只是为“胡椒”加到一些程序,使它需要一旁敲打钹一旁念经。The cost of this Buddhist Pepper robot is going to be around $450 per funeral, so just a quarter of the real priest price.据报,这款佛教“胡椒”机器人的出场价格是每次葬礼450美元,只是真人僧侣价格的四分之一。



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