2025-02-03 10:52:01
本文摘要:Someday, passwords will likely be a distant memory.有一天,密码可能会沦为很远的回想。Someday, passwords will likely be a distant memory.有一天,密码可能会沦为很远的回想。For now, they are necessary -- as well as regularly re-used, and sometimes leaked when hackers access private information. When you forget yours, the process to log back into an account youre locked out of is clunky and not as secure as it could be.不过现在,密码还是很有适当的--不仅要常常重复使用,有时被黑客提供个人信息后,密码还不会泄漏。当你记得了密码,要想要新的登入到你被瞄准的帐户里,这个过程可不更容易,并且也不过于安全性。Facebook wants to change that -- and eventually, to make passwords obsolete.脸书想转变这一情况--最后,让密码终止。
Facebooks F8 developer conference last Tuesday brought the launch of the beta version of Delegated Account Recovery, a way for the social network to be the backup security key in case you forget your password on different, non-Facebook services.上周二,脸书在F8开发者大会上公布了“帐户许可完全恢复”的正式版,这是一种让社交网络沦为备份安全性密钥的方式,防止你在有所不同的、非脸书设备上记得了你的密码。The idea: If you forget your password on an app or website, it will instead use Facebook to verify you are who you say you are. You will have to prove yourself through exercises like recognizing friends photos in order to log into your other account.这个点子是这样的:如果你在一个应用程序或者网页上记得了密码,就能通过脸书来辨识你是否是你说道的那个人。你得通过一些测试--比如见到朋友们的照片等--来证实你自己,从而指定到你其他的帐户。
We want to make sure we can let you use information to keep yourself secure, but not have to trade your privacy, Facebook security engineer Brad Hill told CNNTech.脸书安全性工程师布莱德·希尔在拒绝接受CNN科技专访时回应:“我们想要保证你能用于标识性信息来确保自身的安全性,而需要泄漏你的隐私。”Think about the last time you forgot your password. The website likely sent a link to your email to reset your password, or texted a code to your mobile phone. You might have answered security questions, like your mothers maiden name or the moniker of your first pet.看看你上次是什么时候记得了密码。这些网页很有可能会给你的邮箱放一个链接让你重置密码,或者给你的手机发送到一个验证码。你有可能早已问了安全性提醒问题,比如你母亲并未娶妻时的姓名,或者你第一个宠物的昵称。
Facebook says its method is more secure. Text messages are unencrypted, and email accounts can be hacked. Further, Facebooks Delegated Account Recovery works even if someone switches their phone number or email address.脸书称之为,它的方法更加安全性。信息一般来说都并未加密,电子邮件帐户不会被黑客攻击。
此外,只要你能获取电话号码或者邮箱地址,脸书的“帐户许可完全恢复”就能工作。People might be skeptical about trusting Facebook with other accounts. The company knows everything about you, and uses your information to advertise to you. And of course, if your Facebook account is hacked, the bad guys can log into your other accounts that way, too.不过人们可能会对坚信脸书及其他帐户产生猜测。
But Hill insisted Facebook has safeguards in place to recognize fraudulent activity, and will alert you if anything seems amiss. If, say, Facebook knows you always log in via your iPhone in California, an attempt from Russia on an Android will be flagged.不过希尔否认,脸书有必要的安保措施来辨识欺骗性不道德,如果有任何问题,它都会向你发送到预警。比方说,脸书告诉你总是从加利福利亚的苹果手机上指定,一旦有来自俄罗斯的安卓设备尝试指定,它就不会报警。Delegated Account Recovery doesnt replace passwords. But its a stepping stone in Facebooks efforts to improve and eventually replace the security mechanisms we currently use.“帐户许可完全恢复”无法替换密码。
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