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2025-02-04 10:52:01

本文摘要:BMW has agreed to pay $820m in China dealer rebates for 2014, a person involved in the negotiations said on Monday, as the German automaker tries to stave off a potential dealer revolt in the world’s largest car market.据一位参予谈判的人士周一回应,宝马(BMW)已表示同意向中国经销商缴纳8.20亿美元的补贴来填补2014年的损失,此际这家德国汽车制造商企图制止这个全球仅次于汽车市场愈演愈烈一场潜在的经销商抗议。

BMW has agreed to pay $820m in China dealer rebates for 2014, a person involved in the negotiations said on Monday, as the German automaker tries to stave off a potential dealer revolt in the world’s largest car market.据一位参予谈判的人士周一回应,宝马(BMW)已表示同意向中国经销商缴纳8.20亿美元的补贴来填补2014年的损失,此际这家德国汽车制造商企图制止这个全球仅次于汽车市场愈演愈烈一场潜在的经销商抗议。Talks are continuing over the German automaker’s 2015 sales target, which dealers argue has been set too high given slower economic growth in China.有关宝马2015年销售目标的谈判仍在之后,经销商坚称,鉴于中国经济增长速度上升,2015年的销售目标以定的过高。The dispute reflects growing tension between dealers and car manufacturers, whose pricing power was already under pressure after they were targeted last year in a Chinese anti-monopoly investigation.在去年沦为中国反垄断调查的目标后,汽车制造商已面对喊打压力,目前这一争议则体现出有经销商与汽车制造商之间关系日益紧绷。

Song Tao, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Automobile Dealers Association, said BMW had agreed to pay dealers rebates totalling Rmb5.1bn ($819m) for 2014. The company’s dealers had originally asked for more than Rmb6bn in rebates.中国汽车流通协会(Chinese Automobile Dealers Association)副秘书长宋涛回应,宝马已表示同意就2014年销售业绩向中国经销商缴纳总计51亿元人民币(合8.19亿美元)的补贴。宝马经销商最初的补贴拒绝多达60亿元人民币。In a statement, BMW said it had “reached consensus on...optimised business measures and financial allocation for the dealers”, but declined to comment on the rebate figure. “BMW and its dealer partners are fully aware that the overall automotive market in China is normalising with growth...[at a] lower but stable pace,” the company added.在一份声明中,宝马回应,宝马早已与经销商在“优化业务措施和财务配备方面……达成协议共识”,但宝马拒绝接受就补贴数额置评。

宝马补足称之为:“宝马与经销商合作伙伴几乎知悉,中国整个汽车市场正在南北正常化,增长速度上升但保持稳定。”Tense negotiations over rebates and sales targets are common at the beginning of every year, but have been exacerbated by slowing economic growth in the world’s second-largest economy.关于补贴和销售目标的紧绷谈判在每年年初都很少见,但中国经济增长速度上升令其谈判形势更加紧绷。“Over the past two or three years, the deterioration for dealers has been pretty bad,” said Yale Zhang, a Shanghai-based industry analyst with Automotive Insight. “Carmakers have too much power and dealers are in a very weak position. They have too many cars in inventory.”“过去两三年,对于经销商而言,关系恶化十分相当严重,”Automotive Insight派驻上海行业分析师张豫(Yale Zhang)回应,“汽车制造商享有过于多的权力,经销商正处于十分弱势的地位。

他们的汽车库存太多。”According to figures compiled by Junheng Li, head of research at JL Warren Capital, BMW’s wholesale deliveries to its dealers outpaced dealers’ own retail sales in all but two of the first 11 months of last year.根据JL Warren Capital LLC研究主管李君蘅编撰的数据,在去年头11个月的所有月份中(除了两个月份以外),宝马向经销商杂货的汽车数量都多达经销商自己的零售销量。



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